Validation Results


Congratulations! Your CSV is valid! However, there are some issues that you may want to address to make is as easy as possible to reuse your data

Total Rows Processed = 4299

Download Standardised CSV
0Errors 2Warnings 0Messages
Structure 0 0 0
Schema 0 1 0
Context 0 0 0

2 Warnings

Dialect: Non standard dialect

Although your CSV validates, to make it as easy as possible for your data to be reused, we recommend using commas as delimiters, double quotes to enclose fields, and autodetecting line endings.

Schema problem: Inconsistent value in column 14

The data in column 14 is inconsistent with others values in the same column.

Next Steps

Publish and transform your data using DataGraft, either as enhanced CSV or Linked Data.