Validation Results


Sorry, your CSV did not pass validation. Please review the errors and warnings below:

Total Rows Processed = 23885

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53Errors 2Warnings 1Messages
Structure 53 0 1
Schema 0 0 0
Context 0 1 0

53 Errors, 2 Warnings

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 19753

12870,"Φίλτρο νερού ρητίνης κατακράτησης αλάτων 10” Water Softering Resin Eiger Filter",,,1,18.90,18.90,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/187\/filtro-nerou-ritinis-katakratisis-alaton-10-water-softering-resin-eiger-filter.jpeg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 19754

12869,"​Φίλτρο νερού με συμπαγή ενεργού άνθρακα 10” 5μm Eiger Filter",,,1,8.85,8.85,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/187\/filtro-nerou-me-sumpagi-energou-anthraka-10-5mm-eiger-filter.jpeg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 19755

12868,"Φίλτρο νερού κοκκώδη ενεργού άνθρακα 10'' Eiger Filter",,,1,6.85,6.85,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/187\/filtro-nerou-kokkodi-energou-anthraka-10-eiger-filter.jpeg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 19756

12867,"Φίλτρο νερού πολυπροπυλενίου 10” Eiger Filter",,,1,2.95,2.95,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/187\/filtro-nerou-polupropuleniou-10-eiger-filter.jpeg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 21982

7336,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού Διάφανο Κεντρική Παροχή Σύνδεση 3/4""",,,1,23.00,23.00,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/483\/DOXEIO-FITROU-NEROU-DIAFANO.JPG""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 21983

7335,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού μπλέ Κεντρικής Παροχής Σύνδεση 3/4""",,,1,23.00,23.00,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/483\/DOXEIO-FITROU-NEROU-mple.JPG""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23456

3122,"Μεταλλική Βάση Στήριξης Φίλτρων Νερού 3 x Φ 4,5""",,,1,37.50,37.50,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbda010485ba.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23457

3121,"Μεταλλική Βάση Στήριξης Φίλτρων Νερού 2 x Φ 4,5""",,,1,25.00,25.00,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9f750cc97.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23458

3120,"Μεταλλική Βάση Στήριξης Φίλτρων Νερού 1 x Φ 4,5""",,,1,10.89,10.89,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9e7910b18.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23459

3119,"Πλαστική Τανάλια για Δοχεία Φ 4,5""",,,1,4.23,4.23,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/483\/_________________4dbd9d72a521a-removebg-preview.png""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23460

3118,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα Φ 4,5"" x 10 "" GAC Σκόνη",,,1,23.70,23.70,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9c5faaf72.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23461

3117,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα BLOCK Φίλτρανση 5 μm",,,1,34.58,34.58,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9baa5dd70.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23462

3114,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο Ανοξείδωτο 5 μm",,,1,291.35,291.35,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9979dad7a.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23463

3113,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 25m",,,1,23.89,23.89,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd988b5fc87.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23464

3112,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 5m",,,1,15.33,15.33,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd97cd0305a.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23465

3111,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 1m",,,1,15.33,15.33,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd9654eb718.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23466

3110,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 25m",,,1,21.48,21.48,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd94f36a837.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23467

3109,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 5m",,,1,21.48,21.48,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd942fb0d97.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23468

3108,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 25m",,,1,12.60,12.60,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_njrs-6r.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23469

3107,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 5m",,,1,12.60,12.60,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_qkca-7s.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23470

3106,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 1m",,,1,12.60,12.60,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 4,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_pxy9-34.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 4,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23471

3103,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα Φ 2,5"" x 20 "" GAC Σκόνη",,,1,16.43,16.43,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd86cf0cc98.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23472

3102,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα BLOCK Φίλτρανση 5 μm",,,1,19.46,19.46,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd84749a5cb.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23473

3098,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 25m",,,1,16.13,16.13,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd7fb9550d7.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23474

3097,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 5m",,,1,16.13,16.13,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd7e9c744d7.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23475

3096,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 1m",,,1,16.13,16.13,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd7d99139f8.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23476

3095,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 25m",,,1,10.28,10.28,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd7ca6e0b38.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23477

3094,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 5m",,,1,10.28,10.28,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4dbd7bea1780e.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23478

3093,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 25 μm",,,1,6.35,6.35,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_45gh-hr.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23479

3092,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 10m",,,1,6.05,6.05,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_xrd9-gh.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23480

3091,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 5m",,,1,6.05,6.05,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_0bbj-cd.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23481

3090,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 1m",,,1,6.05,6.05,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ 2,5\" x 20\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_r5t3-il.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5 2,5\\\" x 20\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23482

3085,"Μεταλλική Βάση Στήριξης Φίλτρων Νερού Φ 2,5""",,,1,4.54,4.54,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd6e7282f38.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23483

3084,"Πλαστική Τανάλια για Δοχεία Φ 2,5""",,,1,2.83,2.83,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/483\/_________________4dbd6d5ec55b8-removebg-preview.png""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23484

3083,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο Ανοξείδωτο 75 μm",,,1,112.91,112.91,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd4e92a61b7.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23485

3080,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 25m",,,1,3.93,3.93,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_mc9v-pi.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23486

3079,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 10m",,,1,3.93,3.93,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/FILTRO-IZHMATON.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23487

3078,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού Διάφανο Κεντρική Παροχή Σύνδεση 3/4""",,,1,23.19,23.19,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/3\/_________________4dbd414ceb719.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23488

3077,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού μπλέ Κεντρική Παροχή Σύνδεση 3/4""",,,1,21.38,21.38,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/491\/_________________4dbd406936c7e-removebg-preview.png""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23619

1699,"Φίλτρο νερού Κεραμικό Φ2,5""x10""",,,1,21.17,21.17,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/151\/_________________4bff918503059.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23729

1203,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα Φ2,5""x10"" GAC Σκόνη",,,1,7.96,7.96,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b281cee7a539.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23730

1202,"Φίλτρο νερού Ενεργού Άνθρακα BLOCK Φίλτρανση 5 μm",,,1,8.57,8.57,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4ba3826cb3164.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23731

1201,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο Πλ. 80m",,,1,29.95,29.95,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b281a22a76e3.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23732

1200,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 25m",,,1,7.66,7.66,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b281976c28c8.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23733

1199,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 5m",,,1,5.95,5.95,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4dbd4ccaf0538.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23734

1198,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 1m",,,1,5.95,5.95,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b2816a3c19cf.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23735

1197,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Πλενόμενο ΡΕ 0,1m",,,1,26.02,26.02,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b281593995b0.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23736

1196,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 5m",,,1,3.42,3.42,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/FILTRO-IZHMATON_vfdd-ud.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23737

1195,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων 1m",,,1,3.42,3.42,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/FILTRO-IZHMATON.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23738

1193,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 25m",,,1,5.15,5.15,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b280fd66db70.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23739

1192,"Φίλτρο νερού Ιζημάτων Νήματος 5m",,,1,5.15,5.15,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b280ec7e72f9.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23740

1191,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού μπλέ Κεντρική Παροχή Σύνδεση 1/2""",,,1,23.00,23.00,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b280d4e6129a.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Structural problem: Unclosed quote on row 23741

1190,"Δοχείο Φίλτρου νερού Διάφανο Κεντρική Παροχή Σύνδεση 1/2""",,,1,23.00,23.00,"ΔΟΧΕΙΑ - ΦΙΛΤΡΑ ΝΕΡΟΥ  2,5\" x 10\"","{""margin"":null,""media_gallery"":[""https:\/\/\/images\/detailed\/1\/_________________4b280bdf7ed77.jpg""],""categories"":""\u0394\u039f\u03a7\u0395\u0399\u0391 - \u03a6\u0399\u039b\u03a4\u03a1\u0391 \u039d\u0395\u03a1\u039f\u03a5  2,5\\\" x 10\\\"""}"

One or more values in the row have been incorrectly quoted. E.g. a comma has not been escaped, or a quoted field has not been properly escaped
Check the values in the column and ensure that quoting has been correctly applied.

Dialect: Non standard dialect

Although your CSV validates, to make it as easy as possible for your data to be reused, we recommend using commas as delimiters, double quotes to enclose fields, and autodetecting line endings.

Context problem: No encoding

The encoding of your CSV file is not being declared in the HTTP response.
We recommend that you configure your server to deliver CSV files with a Content-Type header of text/csv; charset=utf-8
If you are using a different encoding, then use an appropriate value for the charset parameter.

Structural problem: Non-standard Line Breaks on row 1

Your CSV appears to use LF line-breaks. While this will be fine in most cases, RFC 4180 specifies that CSV files should use CR-LF (a carriage-return and line-feed pair, e.g. \r\n). This may be labelled as "Windows line endings" on some systems.

Next Steps

Publish and transform your data using DataGraft, either as enhanced CSV or Linked Data.